Written BPD stories 
“When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else.” ― Iyanla Vanzant
Connecting with others with the same diagnosis is a big help to feeling understood. You may find relief realising others have the same experiences as you and that you’re not so unusual after all. Here are stories from different parts of the world in which you can find support and a spirit of community.
Project Air Strategy
14 stories from individuals with BPD and their families with opportunity to share your BPD story.
Healthy Place
Blog submissions from people who have lived with BPD.
ABC News
Beth McMullen has spent most of her life battling BPD from misdiagnosis, treatment and coping.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
A helpline volunteer describes managing BPD through DBT skills.
Our Community
Download this Our Community newsletter to read about Flick’s BPD story.
Australian BPD Foundation – BPD Advocate Issue 1
Australian stories from lived experience, carer and clinician perspectives of inspiring journeys taken by people with Borderline Personality Disorder. To subscribe for future editions go to http://bpdfoundation.org.au/newsletter.php.
Cosmopolitan UK
Charlotte describes her life with BPD and gathers stories from a therapist and other individuals with BPD.
Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center – New York – Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center
Story of Amanda Wang battled with BPD, became a boxer and established the group RethinkBPD.
Way Ahead
Stephanie’s written and video story with BPD.
Select Counsellors
Petra’s short story with BPD.
Personality Disorder Awareness Network
Guest bloggers share their stories, opinions and findings about BPD.
Eliza shares 6 things she wish people understood about BPD.
Red Cross Australia
Bianca shares her story of helping others and helping herself.
Shae’s story as a university student with BPD in the ACT.
Mind UK
Mind UK invites people with BPD to share their experiences with BPD. Blog entries include topics about managing symptoms, misdiagnosis, communication with loved ones and treatments.
The Mighty
The Mighty is a community blog site where people share their personal stories with disability, disease and mental illness.
Amelia’s story of her teenage years with her mother with BPD.
Harriet’s story of living with BPD.
Jennifer’s story of navigating college with BPD.
Emotions Matter BPD
Stories from individuals with lived experience, carers and clinicians working with BPD.
SANE Australia
Meet Mahlie and read her story of receiving BPD diagnosis and getting help.
Vice UK
Harriet’s story of BPD.
Vice US
Three women share what it’s like to have BPD.
Everyday Feminism
Sam’s story of accepting BPD diagnosis.
Time to change UK
These blog posts are written by people with personal experience of BPD.
Time to change Wales
These blog posts are written by people with personal experience of BPD.
Bronte details her BPD diagnosis, DBT treatment, and impact of stigma.
New York Times
Dr. Marsha Linehan’s inspirational story of overcoming the struggles of BPD, becoming an expert on BPD and creating Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).
Linehan Institute
DBT stories from people around the world recovering from BPD.
Erica shares her story of being diagnosed at 18 and opening up about living with BPD.
The Good Men Project
Nathan presents his account of living with BPD and how it affects him.
Mental Health Foundation
Kayla’s story of living with BPD.
I am 1 in 4
A series of stories submitted by those diagnosed with BPD.
Rethink Mental Illness.
Nessa shares her lived experience of BPD and efforts to raise awareness.
Surviving the Fourth Cycle
Nathan Daniels wrote this book as a form of therapy to overcome suicide. He boldly invites readers into his mind to show his reality of Agoraphobia, BPD, Social Anxiety Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Nadia shares her secret of living with BPD
Beth Allen is a freelance film colourist who writes about her experiences of BPD.